Additional options:
Optional parameters explanation |
Options: see the source program, cl.c. The followings are typical ones.
--mechanistic_opt (0|1)(0|1)(0|1)(0|1|2|5|6)(0|3)
The number of parameters optimized in the order of beta, w_0, sigma, m, exchangeabilities, mutation equilibrium base frequencies
--mechanistic_params "-9.0 -1.5 0.0 0.0001 1.0 -9.0 -9.0 -9.0 -9.0 0.25 0.25 0.25"
beta, w_0, sigma, m, m_tc|ag/m_[tc][ag], m_ag/m_tc|ag, m_ta/m_[tc][ag], m_tg/m_[tc][ag], m_ca/m_[tc][ag], f^mut_a, f^mut_c, f^mut_g
Selective constraint w = beta*w_est+w_0, Scale of the Gamma distribution for rate variation over time/sites,
Multiple base change rate m, Exchangeabilities, Mutation equilibrium base frequencies,
The value 0.0 for m means no optimization for m. The value -9.0 means the value estimated for the specified mutaion matrix such as JTT and LG.
--alpha 10.0 -alpha e --alpha_w 0.2 --alpha_w e --gamma_unequal 1
--alpha e: estimation of alpha in the gamma distribution for rate variation
--alpha_w e: estimation of alpha_w in the gamma distribution for selectiive constraint variation
--gamma_unequal 1: discrete gamma distribution with unequal probability
-o (n|l|r|t|lr|lrt)
n: no optimization, l: branch, r: rate, t: tree optimization